6 Basics To Get A Job
When we say basics, we mean basics. You should already know all of these things, but if you don’t, there is no need to worry because we’re here to help you get a job.
1. A Professional Email Address
We know your mom always told you “don’t use your real name in your email address,” but she was wrong. It is more important now than ever to have a branded email address. “I can’t even count how many times I have gone to email a candidate, and I notice that their email address contains something like ‘babygirl@yahoo.com or bigdaddy@gmail.com,'” said Recruiter Kate White from Kavaliro Petaluma.
2. A Professional Voice Mail
It is not hard to find phone numbers now that the internet exists. The likelihood of an interviewer, recruiter or manager calling you about a job is pretty high. Make sure your voicemail is customized to your brand just like your email address. You do not want to have your mailbox sound like it did when you got your first cell phone. So, no ‘yo, yo, yo, leave a message.’ Instead use your professional name or just use the phone number.
Pro Tip: Make sure you set up your voicemail, there is nothing worse than missing an exciting opportunity because you did not have your mailbox set up.
3. A Basic Resume
You must have a resume, end of story. If you do not have a resume and are unfamiliar with how to put one together, we recommend checking out this awesome article by The Balance that includes a simple layout to follow. If you have a resume already and it looks like just a list of things you have done you will want to read THIS article we published on how to turn your resume from trash to treasure.
4. Basic Business Wear
Not everyone can afford to buy a full suit, but that does not mean you can’t show up to an interview looking professional and prepared. There are a lot of do’s and don’ts when it comes to what to wear for an interview but there are two main things everyone should do when interviewing: 1. Wear a jacket. 2. Make sure your outfit fits properly. These two things alone can make a world of difference when it comes to your presentation and your confidence.
5. Reliable Transportation
There is a reason interviewers ask this question, they want to ensure that you will consistently be on time to work. Everyone has the occasional car problem, and offices tend to be understanding. It is important to have a clear plan of action if you do not have a car. How will you be getting to work? Bus, Train, Uber… it does not matter, but you should be upfront with anyone interviewing you when they ask this question.
6. Interest in the Job
Do not apply for a job that you do not want. While you might not get your dream job right away, there needs to be a little interest in something about the job you apply for. After looking at a job description make sure you research the company and check out reviews on sites like Glassdoor. You should consider your time too valuable to apply for positions that you do not want.